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Thursday, 22 November 2018

NYSC (ETC) Empowerment Loan 2018/19 Registration Procedure

Corp members in Array
Corp members

Hey guys, have you heard the latest gist in town? The answer is know.
Do you know about the ETC (Empowering the Corps) Loans?
The answer is know.

Now lemme gist you. Empowering the Corps (ETC) Programme was developed by Credit Direct to cater for the financial needs of the Youth Corps Members while in service to our great country – Nigeria. The scheme was developed to assist NYSC Corp members in their daily financial need, But I must warn you the deadline for the Repayment of any loan that will be disbursed must be honoured.
So my dear you see that this loan though quiet cheap an interesting and appetizing but will also be repayed.

Now I know whats going on in your mind - Why the repayment?
Every loan system must be sustained. I mean ‘if money keeps going out without coming in back, Its just gonna be another MMM Ponzi scheme’.
Now don’t quote me wrong am not trying to compare the loan scheme with MMM.
Now we are all aware of most issues corp members face in the camp, some of which are;

There are some challenges which serving Corps Members faced namely:
The struggles associated with settling into places of posting;
The hassle with securing start-up capital for small businesses and enterprises;
The difficulty in trying to obtain trainings and certifications for career advancements which will give them competitive advantage in life after service; and
The difficulty in trying to obtain trainings and certifications for career advancements which will give them competitive advantage in life after service; and
The harshness of unemployment after the 12 months compulsory service to our country Nigeria

But we the help of a sustainable loan system, all this hassles and wahala will be wiped away.

Now lemme give you some Ecstasy;
“Imagine a world where corpers never lack financial assistance. Now you Know in This our Nigeria it is close to impossible, Right. But with the help of the fund even with this tough Economic conditions you will never run out of cash; wow this is another MTN “Every where you GO”. “

The programme is powered by Credit Direct Limited in partnership with the National Youth Service Corps (through SAED), have created various financial packages aimed at aiding Corps Members to solve these recurring dilemma which they find themselves in.

Sometime ago, a corp member gave out a friendly warning on his reservations about collecting soft loans, this is because even if you offset your bills b4 your Passing Out Parade (POP) you still have to go to Abuja to collect your discharge certificate.

If you do take this loan be sure you pay up unfailingly, and you must call ETC Loans office to clear you after payment of the loan. After the stress you will pass through at your state Secretariat , you will still have go to Abuja to collect your NYSC certificate.

There is always two sides to a story, another beneficiary of the scheme had this to say
There is nothing wrong with the Empower The Corps scheme, just try to meet the said payment date. I did it when I served and I got no problem with it, but if you missed the online last payment day, that can be a serious problem for you.

Another corp member had this to say about the scheme- I would advice you not to apply. Please and please. It really affected my service year after I took the loan. Don’t apply it’s better you do other menial jobs to supplement your NYSC allawee.
Below are some requirements for the loan application.
  1. NYSC ID card
  2. Valid ATM Card (must be valid throughout service year)
  3. Attestation Form from SAED (if you desire a Biz-Starter Package)
  4. Clearly written and signed Letter of Undertaking by Corps Member showing signature and date
  5. Clear passport photograph (Face and shoulders only)
  6. Clear photograph of yourself in Full NYSC Regalia
  7. PPA Posting letter
Empowering the Corps (ETC) is a product developed to provide seed capital to NYSC Members to establish their businesses immediately after their SAED training, to provide financial services to Youth Corps Members to acquire assets and obtain professional certifications. The process below:

  1. e-Registration and Authentication of Corp Members
  2. Profiling and Activation of Corp Members
  3. Loan Application and Approvals
  4. Loan Disbursement and Repayment
  • To Apply click www.portal.empowerthecorps.ng/
  • Join ETC Social Networking Platform by creating your profile
  • Log on to ETC Portal and register your information
  • Ensure all required documentations are complete
  • When all above are in place, proceed to apply for your desired package
  • Enter your NYSC Call-up Number to proceed
  • Enter your password then sign in
  • Create account via https://portal.empowerthecorps.ng/Account/Register
  • Click on Register to have an account
 On Behalf of Aprokogist we wish you the best of luck in the application.
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